UK Government Offers 45,000 Agricultural Seasonal Worker Visas Amidst Record High Net Migration…

Riyan Visas Immigration Pvt Ltd
2 min readMay 24, 2023


In a move aimed at addressing the growing demand for labor in the agricultural sector, the UK government has announced its decision to grant 45,000 visas for seasonal workers. This announcement comes amidst a record high in net migration, despite calls from some members of the ruling Conservative party to reduce immigration. Hardline Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has advocated for increased training opportunities for domestic lorry drivers and fruit pickers as a means to fulfill the workforce needs in the agricultural industry. However, Downing Street has defended the allocation of seasonal worker visas, citing the historically low unemployment rate in the UK and the necessity for flexibility. The decision to offer a substantial number of visas for seasonal workers underscores the importance of ensuring an adequate workforce to meet the demands of the agricultural sector. This move acknowledges the essential contribution of migrant workers to the British economy and emphasizes the need for a pragmatic approach to immigration policy. The UK has long relied on migrant workers to support its agricultural industry, particularly during peak seasons. These workers play a crucial role in harvesting crops and sustaining the food supply chain. By providing 45,000 visas, the government aims to strike a balance between meeting labor demands and managing immigration levels. Critics argue that the allocation of seasonal worker visas may be viewed as contradictory to the government’s previous stance on reducing immigration. However, Downing Street’s justification lies in the recognition that the UK’s unemployment rate is currently at a historic low. Thus, the allocation of visas to seasonal workers is seen as a necessary measure to ensure the continued functioning of the agricultural sector. The decision to grant 45,000 visas for seasonal workers in the agricultural sector reflects the government’s commitment to addressing labor shortages while navigating the complexities of immigration policy. It highlights the importance of a pragmatic approach that considers both economic needs and domestic employment opportunities. As net migration reaches record levels, this initiative aims to strike a delicate balance that benefits both the agricultural industry and the wider UK economy.



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